
Unlock the full potential of Google Maps location sharing service with Gmap24.

Upgrade your location tracking experience with the best location sharing app available! Our powerful desktop application, Gmap24, offers comprehensive tools to analyze and track location data effortlessly. Safely store your data on your computer while gaining valuable insights from the service. Easily track multiple individuals, analyze specific time periods, view timelines, monitor real-time locations, track speed, visualize trajectories, and discover frequently visited places all with just a few clicks. With Gmap24, you can elevate your family location sharing experience to new heights. Enjoy features like real-time location tracking, zone entry or exit notifications, detailed lists of frequently visited locations, movement trajectory tracking, person speed monitoring, and the flexibility to choose the timeframe for analysis. Experience the convenience and reliability of Gmap24 as you stay connected with your loved ones and make the most of location sharing.

Download from Microsoft Store



  • 1
    Follow multiple individuals
  • 2
    Choose the timeframe for analysis
  • 3
    View real-time location of an individual
  • 4
    Access data on an individual's speed
  • 5
    Track an individual's movement trajectory
  • 6
    See a list of the most frequently visited locations
  • 7
    See timeline
  • 8
    Zone entry or exit notification